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room change中文是什么意思

用"room change"造句"room change"怎么读"room change" in a sentence


  • 换房
  • "room"中文翻译    n. 1.室,房间。 2.场所,席位,位置,地位,空间。 ...
  • "change"中文翻译    vt. 1.改变,变更,变换,变革。 2.交换;兑换;把 ...
  • "change room" 中文翻译 :    工衣房
  • "room temperature change" 中文翻译 :    室温变化
  • "change" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.改变,变更,变换,变革。 2.交换;兑换;把(大票等)换成零钱;把(支票等)兑成现金。 3.换(车、衣服),更换。 4.〔口语〕使(味)变酸[坏]。 change one's habits [way of thinking] 改变习惯[想法]。 changea horse [cars] 换马[倒车]。 changea fivepound note把一张五镑钞票兑换成零钱。 change a fivepound note into gold 把一张五镑钞票兑换成金币。 vi. 1.变,改变,起变化。 2.换车,换衣服,改换办法[策略等]。 Where do we change? 我们在哪里换车? It took me only five minutes to change. 我只用五分钟就换好了衣服。 change about 转换方向;变节;首尾互异,反覆无常。 change arms 【军事】换(掮枪的)肩。 change at... 在(某处)换车。 change breath 〔美俚〕换换口味[换喝另一种酒]。 change colo(u)r 变脸色。 change down [up] (汽车)改成慢挡[快挡];开慢[快]。 change foot [step] 变方向;变态度;变步骤。 change for... 换车往(某处)。 change for the better [worse] 变好[坏]。 change ... for... 以…换…(change the old shoes for the new ones 以旧鞋换新鞋)。 change front【军事】改变攻击方向;〔比喻〕转变论调。 change into 1. 改穿(change into flannels 换上法兰绒裤)。 2. 变成(Water changes into steam. 水变成汽)。 change one's note [tune] 〔口语〕(言谈中)改变口气[态度]。 change oneself 换衣裳。 change oneself into 变成…,化为。 change over (使)改变(目的,位置);改期。 change side 改变立场;脱党,变节。 change (seats) with (sb.) 与(人)换(座位)。 n. 1.变化;改变,变换,变更;变动,变迁;改革;更迭。 2.交换,交替;换衣服;换车;换环境。 3.找头,零钱。 4.【音乐】转调,换调;钟声的变调。 5.〔C-〕交易所(='Change, Exchange)。 a change of address 住址的变更。 a change of cars 换车。 a change of clothes 换衣服。 a change of heart 变心;改变主意。 the change of the moon 月亮的(圆缺)变化;新月的出现。 a change of tide 潮的交替;危机。 a changing bag (换胶卷用的)暗袋。 I have no change about me. 我没有零钱。 You need a change. 你应该改变改变环境。 be [go] on change 在交易所(做事)。 change of air 迁地(疗养)。 change of life (妇女的)更年期,绝经期,停经。 change of pace 换口味;变手法。 change of voice (青春期的)变嗓音。 for a change 为了改变一下,为了换换花样。 get no change out of (sb.) 〔俚语〕从(某人)处得不到什么便宜;从(某人)探听不出什么。 give (sb.)change 给某人以报答;〔俚语〕向某人报复,对某人予以还击。 give (sb.) no change 〔口语〕不让某人知道;对某人秘而不宣。 put the change on [upon] (sb.) 瞒,欺骗(某人)。 ring the changes 打钟打出(各种)调子;用种种言语[方式]说明;用种种方法试办。 small change 零钱。 take the change out of (sb.) 〔口语〕报复,复仇。 Take your change out of that! 〔还嘴、报复时语〕这就是回答!
  • "change by" 中文翻译 :    颜色转换的执行方式
  • "change for" 中文翻译 :    调换成; 交换; 用……换; 转车到…去
  • "change into" 中文翻译 :    把…变成; 兑换; 转变为; 转换成,把……变成
  • "change it" 中文翻译 :    换掉它
  • "change to" 中文翻译 :    更改为; 转变为
  • "change…for" 中文翻译 :    把……换成
  • "change…into" 中文翻译 :    把…变成; 把……变成,转换成; 转换成;把……变成
  • "for a change" 中文翻译 :    换换环境(花样等); 换换胃口、腻了; 为改变; 为了改变一下, 为了换换口味; 为了换换花样
  • "for change" 中文翻译 :    换换中味
  • "in change" 中文翻译 :    主管
  • "no change" 中文翻译 :    无变化
  • "on change" 中文翻译 :    待清扫的房间; 待清扫房
  • "on-change" 中文翻译 :    等待出租
  • "in the room" 中文翻译 :    房间内; 屋里; 在房间里; 在房里
  • "room" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.室,房间。 2.场所,席位,位置,地位,空间。 3.余地,余裕;机会。 4.〔pl.〕一套房间;寄宿舍;出租的房间。 5.屋子里的人们;一屋子[满座](的人们)。 an upper room 顶楼房间。 a single [double] room 单人[双人]房间。 a strong room 保险库。 There is room for one more. 还可以容纳一个人。 I would rather have his room than his company. 他不在反而好。 room for doubt 怀疑的余地。 set the room in a roar 使一屋子的人哄然大笑。 give room 腾地方(位置),让开,移开,挪开一点。 in sb.'s room =in the room of sb. 处于某人的地位,代替某人,代…而。 leave room for evasion 留下推诿余地。 make room for 让地位[位置]给…。 no room to turn in = no room to swing a cat 地方狭窄;无转身余地。 room of reconciliation (天主教会的)忏悔室〔忏悔者和神甫可在室内面对面相见,亦可隔着屏风交谈〕。 parcels room 衣帽[物件]寄存处。 room to rent 〔美俚〕傻瓜。 take rooms at 在…租房间。 take up too much room 占用地位过多。 vi. 〔美国〕占有[租有]房间,在房间里;投宿,住宿,寓居,同住 (at with together)。 vt. 留…住宿,留住(客人)。 room(ing) house 〔美国〕公寓;供寄宿的房屋。 room and board (供)膳宿,吃住 (He receives wages plus room and board. 他除工资外还享受膳宿待遇)。
  • "room for" 中文翻译 :    为留下余地
  • "room for this" 中文翻译 :    蒸气浴室
  • "room of will" 中文翻译 :    志室
  • "the room" 中文翻译 :    四个房间; 意念空间
  • "room by room" 中文翻译 :    房间


  • What i'd like to do is give some specific instructions on room changes generally .
  • If acquire the commodity house of droit , build room , allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room , economy applicable room
  • Be in a few places , when public house undertakes the room changes , former unit should be withheld preferential counter - purchase authority , whether to because this must affirm former unit , agree to make over
  • Additional , worker basis national policy , bring house project by what central unit is in beijing builds according to what the room changes cost price or standard value buys housing and collect money the housing that collaboration builds , also regard as already bought center delivery room
  • The building builds careful material : commodity house beforehand ( annul ) carry out licence or room change written reply to a subordinate body ; build project program licence ; build engineering construction permit ; build licence of the program that use the land ; state - owned land uses card ; propose careful ichnography and floor plan
  • Answer : ( 1 ) the commodity house that buys to development business ; ( 2 ) lawful collaboration builds a house , collect money build house of room , the compensation that tear open change ; ( 3 ) enterprise or business unit room changes the welfare house that sells this unit worker , small profit room ; ( 4 ) the welfare house that bureau of house of city , region sells , small profit room
    答: ( 1 )向发展商购买的商品房; ( 2 )合法的合作建房、集资建房、拆迁赔偿房; ( 3 )企事业单位房改出售给本单位职工的福利房、微利房; ( 4 )市、区住宅局出售的福利房、微利房。
  • Basis " beijing already bought public housing to appear on the market offer executive way " regulation , change cost price to buy the town dweller of public housing according to the room , can according to in those days the room changes cost price 1 % fill after making gold of land sell one ' s own things or land profit , to the building room of land of place area , county is in charge of bureau application to handle property of commodity room house card
    根据《北京市已购公有住房上市出售实施办法》的规定,按照房改成本价购买公有住房的城镇居民,可以按照当年房改成本价的1 %补交土地出让金或土地收益后,向房屋所在区、县国土房管局申请办理商品房房屋所有权证。
  • Basis " beijing already bought public housing to appear on the market offer executive way " regulation , appear on the market those who sell already bought public housing , when ought to dealing with building right to belong to the formalities that register by vendee according to in those days the room changes cost price 1 % fill make gold of land sell one ' s own things or land profit
    根据《北京市已购公有住房上市出售实施办法》的规定,上市出售的已购公有住房,应当由买受人在办理房屋权属登记手续时按照当年房改成本价的1 %补交土地出让金或土地收益。
  • Basis " the complement that sells about carrying out beijing to already bought public housing to appear on the market executive method concerns an issue informs " regulation , it is ok to already bought public housing according to what cost price buys donative other , but should be in donative before turn the property of this building into commodity house , namely complemental room changes cost price the gold of land sell one ' s own things of 1 % , and cost of pay photograph custom duty
    根据《关于执行北京市已购公有住房上市出售实施办法有关问题的补充通知》的规定,按照成本价购买的已购公有住房可以赠与他人,但要在赠与前将该房屋的性质转成商品房,即补足房改成本价1 %的土地出让金,并缴纳相关税费。
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